Friday 29 September 2017

Literacy Reflection W10 T3 2017

This week for Literacy I have been doing some free write, read theories, an explanation on gymnastics and a Prefix sheet. My free write is a new one and it is called Magic in the Attic-The spell book. If there are any mistakes, please comment so I can correct them. The Prefix sheet is just a sheet explaining what a prefix is and it also had prefix activities on it. The read theories are just to maintain my reading; I had to do evidence. The explanation on a gymnastics skill was on how to do a bridge.

Here is my Prefix sheet:

Here is my Read Theory Evidence:


Here is my Free Write-Magic in the Attic, The Spellbook: 

Magic in the Attic The Spellbook By Kyra
A small red car

A small red car pulled out of the driveway of the McBeth’s house. Through the city the small red car went. Two blue eyes stared out the car’s dusty windows, belonging to the youngest 8 year old sibling, Lily McBeth. Her eyes focused on the transforming land, which soon became a grassy and rocky countryside.

“Why do we have to go to stupid Grandma’s house?” Asked the voice belonging to Lily’s 15 year old sister.
“I already told you, Janie…….You and your sister have to go Grandma's because I am flying to Australia to see your father.” Said Lily and Janie’s mum. 
“Why? It’s not like he needs your help at work or anything.” Replied Janie. 
“It’s not because of his work, it’s because he can’t settle his bank account for some random reason and he said he needs my help.” Said Mrs McBeth. 
“Well that’s pretty stupid.” Said Janie and went quiet. Lily had been listening the whole time, but eyes stayed focused on the countryside. Their old radio played quietly but was soon turned up by Janie, as it was her favorite song. 

“I’m an Albatross!” Sang Janie in a high-pitched and off tune voice. Most people will find Janie’s singing annoying and terrible except for Lily. Lily didn’t mind anything, but her mum pushed her shoulders up to her ears, trying to block the irritating sound. 

Even though Janie hated visiting her Grandma’s house, Lily found it the best place in the world. At her Grandma’s the house was old with many weird and wonderful things like a beautiful, big backyard containing meadows, a clear blue water stream, an Apple Orchard, flowers and huge random rocks that Lily would climb to see the whole of her Grandma’s property. As her Grandma lived in the valley, there was a huge mountain, which, of course, Lily’s Grandma wouldn’t let her climb. Even with the boundaries, Lily thought it was extremely magical………...but she had no idea why. Lily was still daydreaming when the small red car pulled up onto her Grandma’s driveway. The house was made from wood and some stone. Some of the wood was rotten, it had been around that long.

Lily grabbed her backpack and her coat and jumped out of the car. She ran up to the old house’s front door. Just as she was going to press the doorbell, someone pushed her aside, she already knew who it was-Janie. 

“Janie.” Their mother cautioned. “Sorry.” Said Janie, sarcastically. Lily rolled her eyes and pressed the doorbell (surprisingly the doorbell worked!); she hated it when her sister and her mum squabbled. 

A little while later, the old door opened with a CREAK. Out popped a little old lady with white hair and round glasses. “Grandma!” Shouted Lily and gave her grandma a hug. 

“Lily! Janie! It’s so good to see you!” Said their Grandma. 

“Hi Grandma.” Said Janie dully and continued to text. Their Grandma blinked twice. “Janie. You know we never had phones like you back in the day. And if we did, we wouldn’t be texting while greeting a relative.” She said. 

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Asked Janie, looking up. Their mother answered the question for her. “That means, Janie Emma McBeth……...that you should not be on that stupid phone of yours! I might have to confiscate it at this rate.” 

“Fine.” Said Janie and put her phone in her pocket. She walked slowly over to her Grandma and gave her a hug. 

“Thank You!” Said their mother cheerfully. After their hug, the Grandma turned to Mrs McBeth. “Hi Lucy.” she said. 

“Hi mum.” Said Mrs McBeth and gave her mum a hug. “Why don’t you two go get your things, while me and Grandma talk?” “I’ve got my things, mum.” Said Lily. 
“Good girl, go put them in your room.” Said Mrs McBeth. 
“Ok mum.” Said Lily and went into the old house. Mrs McBeth turned to Janie. “Well?” 
“I’ll go get my things.” Sighed Janie and went to their car. 

“What’s with her?” Said the Grandma. 
“Oh that’s just Janie.” Said Mrs McBeth. Lily walked out of the house as her sister walked in. Lily waited for what seems like centuries as her mother and her Grandma talked. She was starting to get impatient.

Here is my explanation:

What is Gymnastics?

Gymnastics is a great why to get fit, using your core muscles, arms, legs and feet. Gymnastics takes a lot of body strength to hold you correctly on Bar, Vault, Beam and Floor. If you are doing Gymnastics, you should always warm up and warm down, otherwise you could damage yourself like a rolled ankle, pulled hamstrings and many more. One of my favorite gymnastic stretch is Bridge.

How to do a Bridge

A Bridge is a great way to warm up for Bridge stand-ups, Front Limbas, Back walkovers, Front walkovers and many more tricks involving back flexibility. There are many types of bridge, but the gymnastics bridge is where your legs and arms are straight and your legs are together. I will teach you the Gymnastics bridge. 

First lay on your back with your arms near your ears and your legs bent.

Try pushing up, and aim to get your arms and legs straight. Hold for about 3-5 seconds and then come down. 

After you do a bridge, ALWAYS roll your back out so you don’t get a sore back. When you are good at doing a bridge, start doing bridge rocks. Bridge rocks is when you rock back and forth in a bridge, going over your shoulders and back. Again, ROLL YOUR BACK OUT!!!

And that’s the basic steps on how to do a bridge! As I said before, it’s important to warm up and down after or before any type of stretch (some stretches you don’t need to warm up for!). If you do this properly, you can accomplish way, way more……………

Numeracy Reflection W10 T3 2017

This week for Numeracy, I have started to do activities around Coordinates. This week we started with Position and Orientation. You can see what I have been doing on my DLO..............................

Friday 22 September 2017

Cybersmart Reflection W9 T3 2017

This week on Thursday, Madeline, our Cyber smart teacher came in. She talked to us about Media Construction and how to be safe on the internet. She also gave us a site about the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. We had to find 4 facts about them. I tried to find facts about them on google, but I couldn't find any because the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus didn't even exist! The info I did find was on the site (which was made up). Although, I did find some true information on google about the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus..............That it was an internet hoax!

Here's the Poster about help save the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus that I did:

P.S: These clues are all fake!

So in this lesson we basically learnt to check all information, before writing it down. As some information might not be true..................

PrEP Reflection 2017

Over the past 2 weeks, PrEP has been going on. PrEP is where the school makes different ventures, name them and make products that they would sell at Big and Little market. 

I am in a group with another 5 people in it. My Group is called Spectacular Animals and at Big and Little market we are selling Animal rocks, Pipe cleaner snails, pipe cleaner snakes, Pom Pom and Pipe cleaner spiders with little googlie eyes and Pom Pom Caterpillars with little googlie eyes. On the rocks, some have a cat design on them and they would have googlie eyes and bent pipe cleaners for ears.

We also had an original idea instead of the pom pom and pipe cleaner animals-egg carton animals. But the egg carton animals turned out to be an utterly fail and would not be a high standard and they took way to long so we swapped them for the pom pom and pipe cleaner animals.

The big PrEP market is today, Friday 22nd September 2017, 15 minutes after big lunch. The 15 minutes is for set up.

I wonder how much many Spectacular Animals will earn???!!!

Numeracy Reflection W9 T3 2017

This week was the last week that we were going to be doing fractions. So we had to do a DLO on what we have been learning. Here is my DLO:

Next week in Maths we will be doing Coordination.

Main Star 9 Reflection T3 2017

For this Main Star I had to come up a with a rap or song on why we should keep New Zealand clean and Green. I did a slide for the lyrics and I also recorded myself singing it. It's pretty weird, but here it is:




Thursday 21 September 2017

Main Star 3 Reflection T3 2017

For this Main Star I had to devise clues for a class treasure hunt. I chose to do my clues based in the library, as I love books. Here's my clues:

Make sure you start outside of library.

1. I'm big, square and blue. 
2. Kyra Johnson, Mamaku 1 bar code. 
3. New books. 
4. Where does a beautiful butterfly come from? 
5. I start with E and end with E. 
6.  There are 3 of me. My name in Chinese is Ling. 
7. I am big and square and I can change colors. TV
8. Find something that is red and can move but doesn't usually. 
9. I have a red and white hat, but I am comfy. 
10. We are both bookworms. 

End of Scavenger hunt

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead man's chest.
Author: Irene Trimble
Genre: Adventure.
Recommendation: 8-11 years.
Rating: 9/10 stars.
Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Bootstrap Bill, Elizabeth Swan, the Governor, Davy Jones, Davy Jone's crew, Gibbs, Jack's crew, Tia Dalma and Jack (Jack is a different Jack, whom is a cursed monkey that turns into just it's skeleton when moonlight overcomes it.).

Captain Jack Sparrow is ready for another adventure on the high seas. One day, when Jack is looking for some rum, Bootstrap Bill appears in the Black Pearl's (Jack's ship) lower deck. With a bit of a long talk, Jack ends up having the deadly Black Spot. Jack must go to Tia Dalma to get something to cure his spot. In this time, Will Turner is captured by Davy Jones. Will Will escape? Or will he not?

Image result for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Junior Novelization

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Main Star 7 Reflection T3 2017

For this Main Star I had to keep a diary of my fitness over a 4 week period. Here is my diary:

For this Main Star I have to improve my fitness over a 4 week period. I will be improving my fitness with two sports-Running, Ballet and I will do a reflection on the Rangiora Competition I went to!


Week 1:
This week I did my first run around my street block (Kilgour road-Winnie Street). It was sunny and a small breeze was around. I took off from my mailbox and went up the hill, round the corner, up the straight, round another corner, down another straight, round the final corner and up the homestreet. Finally I had finished with a time of 2 minutes and 21 seconds. This isn’t to bad for my first try.

Week 2:
This week I did the same course as last week and I bet my my score, 2 minutes and 21 seconds by 5 seconds. So my score for this week was 2 minutes and 16 seconds!!! But I still think there is room for improvement……….

Week 3:
My run for this week was way, way, way better this week because I bet my last score, 2 minutes and 16 seconds by 11 seconds! So my score for this great week was 2 minutes and 5 seconds! My goal for next week is to get my time down to 2 minutes……...or lower!!!

Week 4:
This week I wasn’t feeling the best, so I didn’t get to my goal, sadly. My time for my last week was 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

Week 1:
Ok so I went to my Ballet class, and was expecting to just be doing center work……...but we were doing barre this week! So I had only been focusing on my center work-not my barre work! I had no idea in what I was doing! Definitely need to get the DVD out and practise ready for next week!

Week 2:
So this week I tried my best to remember the exercises but I still need a lot of prompting! I really need to keep on practising so I can start polishing! After all, you can’t start polishing until you remember the 9 (technically 10 because 1 exercise has two parts to it!) exercises!

Week 3:

So this week I only need a little bit of prompting. My aim for next week is to be able to remember all of the exercises. OH MY GOSH! I forgot to tell you that I have the fake ballet exam next week to see what it’ll be like………...need to have my ballet in my head!

Week 4:
Don’t stress about me! My Ballet exam-or fake Ballet exam went extremely well because I had been practising the barre work twice a day for 11 minutes for a whole week! I didn’t need any prompting, I just looked straight ahead and smiled-I smiled because you get 5 or 10 points and because I was so relieved that I could remember the exercises! And on my fake score sheet I got 49 out of 50 points! And it also said I only had to work on my center work 2! BONUS!!! I am so excited for the real Ballet exam coming up!!!

Rangiora competition:
In the weekend before the fake Ballet exam, me, my mum Christine and Jemma went to Rangiora for a DANCE COMPETITION!!! On the way up we went through a miniature snow storm while drinking a hot chocolate with marshmallows from Arthur’s Pass. When we got to our motel, I started getting ready for my lyrical solo-People help the people. With my makeup and hair done, me and my mum headed to the Rangiora town hall. I did my lyrical solo and it felt great for the first time on stage. The results for my lyrical was tied Highly commended. Funny enough, the person who got Highly commended with me, did the same song as me! On Saturday, me and my mum went Joe’s Rangiora while we waited for Jemma to do her solo’s. When she had finished, we both got ready for our Ballet and Jazz Duo. Our results for the duo's was 3rd place for both of them. After results, we went to McDonald's for tea. After tea, me and Jemma played outside for a bit. Then we came in with some fish and chips while we watched some videos on YouTube. After about 15 minutes, me and Jemma went next door and built a hut and a played some games. On Sunday we packed up, went to a restaurant for breakfast and went through Lewis Pass because Arthur's was closed. On the way we went through another miniature snow storm. At one point, we stopped and me and Jemma threw snowballs at each other! When we got back, it was the fake ballet exam! I had an awesome weekend!

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: I'm not a supermouse!
Author: Geronimo Stilton.
Genre: Adventure.
Recommendation: 8-11 years.
Rating: 9/10 stars.
Characters: Geronimo & Bruce Hyena.

Bruce Hyena, a sportsy mouse, is taking Geronimo to scorching deserts, icy mountains and wet rain forests! It's Geronimo's nightmare! Geronimo is up against some tough tests, but Bruce is finding the days of Geronimo's nightmare exceptionally hilarious! Will Geronimo fail? Or will he go back to his comfy mouse hole in the end?

Image result for i'm not a supermouse

Monday 18 September 2017

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: It's Halloween, You fraidy' mouse!
Author: Geronimo Stilton.
Genre: Adventure.
Recommendation: 8-11 years.
Rating: 9/10 stars.
Characters: Geronimo, Thea, Trap, and Benjamin.

Geronimo hates Halloween, but unfortunately it's coming up! Geronimo's cousin, Trap kept playing pranks on him; and then his sister, Thea, told him he had to write a book about Halloween in less than a day. Everyone is out to get him, except his sweet little nephew Benjamin!

Image result for is Halloween afraid Mouse Geronimo Stilton

Friday 15 September 2017

Literacy Reflection W8 T3 2017

This week for Literacy I did a Venn Diagram on Whitebait and Golden Snub nosed monkey. I also used a little of the information that was on my Info Grid which I posted a couple of weeks ago. Here's a link to the info grid in case you didn't see it. Here is my Venn Diagram:

Numeracy Reflection W8 T3 2017

For Numeracy this week I have been doing a lot of work around rounding decimal points to their nearest whole number.  You will learn how to round a decimal point while reading my DLO for this week:

(It's quite big so you can read the words!)

Thursday 14 September 2017

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: Red Pizzas for a blue count.
Author: Geronimo Stilton.
Genre: Adventure, Mystery.
Recommendation: 8-11 years
Rating: 9/10 stars
Characters: Geronimo, Thea, Trap, Benjamin, Countess Snobella, the hunchback guy & the count.

Transratania isn't the best place to get stuck in; vampires, bats, spooky castles and lot's and lot's of cobwebs! In this story, Geronimo's annoying cousin, Trap has called Geronimo and his sister, Thea, asking for help from TRANSRATANIA! Of course, Geronimo's sister, Thea, drags him and Benjamin along to save Trap. But the question is, does Trap really need help???

Image result for pizzas for a blue count

Tuesday 12 September 2017

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: Thea Stilton and the treasure of the viking ship
Author: Thea Stilton
Genre: Adventure
Recommendation: 8-11 years
Rating: 9/10 stars

Professor Ian Van Kraken and Paulina are swept into a grotto while looking for things on the ocean floor. Inside the grotto is a viking ship with treasures. But one of the biggest treasures that is sold at the viking festival is Princess Asa's perfume............Who will sell the most? Thea Sisters or Vanilla's gang?

Image result for Thea Stilton and the bike Tricia the Viking ship

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: Thea Stilton and the revenge of the lizard club
Author: Thea Stilton
Genre: Adventure

Recommendation: 8-11 years
Rating: 9/10 stars

At the very prestigious Mouseford academy, the elections are going around for who will be the president for the Lizard and Gecko's club. Nicky is doing the foot-race, will she win? Or will she help save a pink seal?

Image result for Stilton and the revenge of the lizard Club

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: The Spiderwick Chronicles-The field guide
Author: Tony Diterlizzi
Illustrator: Holy Black
Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy.
Rating: 4/5 stars.
Recommendation: 9-12 years.

Summary: The Grace children have moved house and aren't settling that well. But soon, they find a mysterious old book from the attic with weird and interesting creatures inside...............

Front Cover

40 BC Reflection T3 2017

Title: The Land of Stories, Beyond the Kingdoms
Author: Chris Colfer
Illustrator: Brandon Dorman
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Rating: 5/5 stars
Recommendation: 10-13 years

Summary: The fairy godmother's son and the twins uncle, Lloyd, has been collecting the army that he has always dreamed of. Using the magic portal potion that his mother made, he travels through the fairy tale stories and collects the villains from each story. Can the twins and the new and old friends stop their uncle after lot's of adventures? Or will the fairy tale world be demolished, and possibly the other world?

Image result for the land of stories Chris colfer Beyond the kingdoms