Monday 10 June 2019

Creative Writing

This is my first BlogX post on Creative Writing. It is about World War 2 and Whales.

The War Whale

Her body and large barnacle-covered fins overshadow me as she
carries me easily over the blue skies. She picked me up in the middle of
the Pacific ocean, in the middle of a blood-spilling war. My plane was
shot near the engine by the Germans and I plunged into the cold blue
waters. My life half flashed before my eyes in seconds, like they say
when you’re about to die. I took in my last breath as my plane sank to
the dark depths and then she swam past me, picked my plane up and
flew out of the oceans, out into the smoke-filled air. She flew me South,
South towards safety. Up in the cotton candy-like clouds, soaring. When
will she drop me off? I wouldn’t know, or whether she will drop me off.

We fly for about 2 hours until I come to a sight I wished I would never
see again, the war. I suddenly flood like a tsunami with panic when
I realise that the Germans could shoot her and myself down into the
water. I am frightened to my bones when this thought races in. What
makes it even worse that, she doesn’t even seem to know or possibly
care, she just keeps on flying. The a bullet shoots towards us like a
rocket flying at the speed of sound, but instead of it piercing her hard in
the stomach, it just bounces right off her. This happens to every attempt
that is fired at us. We simply pass through and then we are back in

Around 4 hours of exciting flying, she nose dives to beach of an island
and drops me off there. She sort of smiles at me and I smile in thanks.
After she glides back into the glimmering water I say to myself, she
saved my life, that whale did, and I hope one day I can return the favour.

By Kyra

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