Friday 24 June 2016

Week 8 Reflection

Word Work
I have done some word work this week which took three paragraphs to put all ten words in sentences.
My reading follow up for this week was to do sentences using the correct punctuation we were told to. I think that I need to work on using semi colons in my writing.

For my writing follow up I had to write sentences that I could use to start a new paragraph. The 3 bullet points were: change of time, change of character and change of place. Here is my work.

For literacy this week I have done a screencastify of my show not tell but I have had a few technical issues which I will fix shortly. Here is my show not tell writing.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Kyra- i enjoyed paragraphs, word work and reading. Great job getting the 10 words in to the paragraph.


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