Friday 18 November 2016

Literacy Reflection W6 T4

For Literacy this week I have been doing lot's of things like my Reading follow up, my Word Work and my Work on Writing. For my follow up I had to read an article about Wisdom Teeth and then create an Abcya Word Cloud including the key words from the article; I also had to screencastify my Abcya word cloud. When I had completed the abcya word cloud, I had to do an explanation burger on Wisdom Teeth. Here is my follow up's:

Here is my screencastify of my Abcya word cloud.
For my Word Work I chose to do Word Pyramids, I'll tell you how to do Word Pyramids. If my word was five, I would do F then enter then F again, but this time with the next letter of the word as well. Here is my Word Work:

 For my Work on Writing, my task was to do an earthquake recount on the gigantic earthquake. Suprisingly I forgot half of the wild story but I remembered in the end. Here is my Earthquake recount.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daughter, Well- I have really enjoyed your reflections this week. I did not know about the history of the 3rd molars- poor old cavemen- imagine having tooth decay and no dentist to help- i wonder how they got them out? No wonder they were so grumpy! Word pyramids are cool and your recount of the quake was very accurate. Good work. Dad


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