Friday 29 September 2017

Literacy Reflection W10 T3 2017

This week for Literacy I have been doing some free write, read theories, an explanation on gymnastics and a Prefix sheet. My free write is a new one and it is called Magic in the Attic-The spell book. If there are any mistakes, please comment so I can correct them. The Prefix sheet is just a sheet explaining what a prefix is and it also had prefix activities on it. The read theories are just to maintain my reading; I had to do evidence. The explanation on a gymnastics skill was on how to do a bridge.

Here is my Prefix sheet:

Here is my Read Theory Evidence:


Here is my Free Write-Magic in the Attic, The Spellbook: 

Magic in the Attic The Spellbook By Kyra
A small red car

A small red car pulled out of the driveway of the McBeth’s house. Through the city the small red car went. Two blue eyes stared out the car’s dusty windows, belonging to the youngest 8 year old sibling, Lily McBeth. Her eyes focused on the transforming land, which soon became a grassy and rocky countryside.

“Why do we have to go to stupid Grandma’s house?” Asked the voice belonging to Lily’s 15 year old sister.
“I already told you, Janie…….You and your sister have to go Grandma's because I am flying to Australia to see your father.” Said Lily and Janie’s mum. 
“Why? It’s not like he needs your help at work or anything.” Replied Janie. 
“It’s not because of his work, it’s because he can’t settle his bank account for some random reason and he said he needs my help.” Said Mrs McBeth. 
“Well that’s pretty stupid.” Said Janie and went quiet. Lily had been listening the whole time, but eyes stayed focused on the countryside. Their old radio played quietly but was soon turned up by Janie, as it was her favorite song. 

“I’m an Albatross!” Sang Janie in a high-pitched and off tune voice. Most people will find Janie’s singing annoying and terrible except for Lily. Lily didn’t mind anything, but her mum pushed her shoulders up to her ears, trying to block the irritating sound. 

Even though Janie hated visiting her Grandma’s house, Lily found it the best place in the world. At her Grandma’s the house was old with many weird and wonderful things like a beautiful, big backyard containing meadows, a clear blue water stream, an Apple Orchard, flowers and huge random rocks that Lily would climb to see the whole of her Grandma’s property. As her Grandma lived in the valley, there was a huge mountain, which, of course, Lily’s Grandma wouldn’t let her climb. Even with the boundaries, Lily thought it was extremely magical………...but she had no idea why. Lily was still daydreaming when the small red car pulled up onto her Grandma’s driveway. The house was made from wood and some stone. Some of the wood was rotten, it had been around that long.

Lily grabbed her backpack and her coat and jumped out of the car. She ran up to the old house’s front door. Just as she was going to press the doorbell, someone pushed her aside, she already knew who it was-Janie. 

“Janie.” Their mother cautioned. “Sorry.” Said Janie, sarcastically. Lily rolled her eyes and pressed the doorbell (surprisingly the doorbell worked!); she hated it when her sister and her mum squabbled. 

A little while later, the old door opened with a CREAK. Out popped a little old lady with white hair and round glasses. “Grandma!” Shouted Lily and gave her grandma a hug. 

“Lily! Janie! It’s so good to see you!” Said their Grandma. 

“Hi Grandma.” Said Janie dully and continued to text. Their Grandma blinked twice. “Janie. You know we never had phones like you back in the day. And if we did, we wouldn’t be texting while greeting a relative.” She said. 

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Asked Janie, looking up. Their mother answered the question for her. “That means, Janie Emma McBeth……...that you should not be on that stupid phone of yours! I might have to confiscate it at this rate.” 

“Fine.” Said Janie and put her phone in her pocket. She walked slowly over to her Grandma and gave her a hug. 

“Thank You!” Said their mother cheerfully. After their hug, the Grandma turned to Mrs McBeth. “Hi Lucy.” she said. 

“Hi mum.” Said Mrs McBeth and gave her mum a hug. “Why don’t you two go get your things, while me and Grandma talk?” “I’ve got my things, mum.” Said Lily. 
“Good girl, go put them in your room.” Said Mrs McBeth. 
“Ok mum.” Said Lily and went into the old house. Mrs McBeth turned to Janie. “Well?” 
“I’ll go get my things.” Sighed Janie and went to their car. 

“What’s with her?” Said the Grandma. 
“Oh that’s just Janie.” Said Mrs McBeth. Lily walked out of the house as her sister walked in. Lily waited for what seems like centuries as her mother and her Grandma talked. She was starting to get impatient.

Here is my explanation:

What is Gymnastics?

Gymnastics is a great why to get fit, using your core muscles, arms, legs and feet. Gymnastics takes a lot of body strength to hold you correctly on Bar, Vault, Beam and Floor. If you are doing Gymnastics, you should always warm up and warm down, otherwise you could damage yourself like a rolled ankle, pulled hamstrings and many more. One of my favorite gymnastic stretch is Bridge.

How to do a Bridge

A Bridge is a great way to warm up for Bridge stand-ups, Front Limbas, Back walkovers, Front walkovers and many more tricks involving back flexibility. There are many types of bridge, but the gymnastics bridge is where your legs and arms are straight and your legs are together. I will teach you the Gymnastics bridge. 

First lay on your back with your arms near your ears and your legs bent.

Try pushing up, and aim to get your arms and legs straight. Hold for about 3-5 seconds and then come down. 

After you do a bridge, ALWAYS roll your back out so you don’t get a sore back. When you are good at doing a bridge, start doing bridge rocks. Bridge rocks is when you rock back and forth in a bridge, going over your shoulders and back. Again, ROLL YOUR BACK OUT!!!

And that’s the basic steps on how to do a bridge! As I said before, it’s important to warm up and down after or before any type of stretch (some stretches you don’t need to warm up for!). If you do this properly, you can accomplish way, way more……………

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