Thursday 20 June 2019

Exposition Writing

This week in literacy, we have been writing expositions. Expositions are the same as an argument or a piece of opinion writing. We had to pick our topic for our arguments and the topic I chose was why we should have free range chickens. This is my exposition writing~

Having Cage Free Chickens

Do you like having eggs on a Sunday morning for a nice big breakfast? Well if you do, you should probably consider thinking about buying a different type of eggs if you haven’t already. I think we should have cage free chickens instead of caged chickens.

So, what is the difference between cage free and caged chickens? Well, caged chickens are being forced to lay their eggs in very uncomfortable positions, where as cage free or free range chickens are still in cages/coops but the coops are bigger and the chickens are more comfortable because they have more space to move around.

The caged chickens lives are affected by being in cages because the cages are so small that the poor hens can barely turn around. The cages are called battery cages and the average size of the cages are 67 square inches, which is less space than a letter-sized piece of paper for these abused animals to live in for their lives. The cage free chickens however can run around and spread their wings, making this a much better environment for them. 

Free Range chicken eggs also taste better, you can tell this by the color of the yolk. The free range eggs have a more orange-colored yolk compared to the caged eggs, which have a more yellow-colored yolk. Research shows us that the orange yolks have a higher vitamin rate. The vitamins in these eggs are vitamin A, D and B12; vitamin A is necessary to help your immune and eye health. Vitamin D helps bone mineralization, and B12 helps form Red Blood cells. 

In conclusion, I definitely believe that free range chickens should overpopulate caged chickens to make their lives better by giving them more space. So next time you are about to buy eggs, think twice about which types you do get.

By Kyra J

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