Tuesday 10 September 2019

Being In The Warehouse

For one of my Main Stars this term, I had to write a blog post about what I had been doing in my PrEP group. Since I am not in a PrEP group this year (as I am working in the Grey Main PrEP Warehouse 2019), I decided to write about doing the job I do along with Mrs Costello, Ruby, Honor and Iris.

This year the Grey Main PrEP Warehouse is based in the school's PE shed. We have heaps of equipment in the cupboards and on a table. Last year the Warehouse was based in the school library, but there was too many supplies so it moved to the PE shed.  The Warehouse is the place where all the supplies is kept for all the ventures to use once they fill out an order form saying what they need and how much we charge them. Here is the basic cycle of the Warehouse:

1. Order forms from different ventures will be placed in a small box in the library.
2. One of the Warehouse people will go to the library when available and take the order/s to the PE Shed.
3. The Warehouse person will look at the order and collect the supplies requested on the form.
4. The supplies will be put into the box labelled the class/venture's name. 
5. The Warehouse person will look through the supplies catalogue and check that the costs are correct on the form.
6. The costs will be totalled and written onto the bottom of the form.
7. The Warehouse person will sign their name/signature on the bottom of the form.
8. The order form will be copied into the red exercise book that we keep to put the form information down in.
9. The form goes in the box with the supplies.
10. The form will be photocopied, as one form goes to the venture and the other goes to the Grey Main School Bank.
11. The order is taken to the venture/class and is checked. Everything comes out but the Warehouse person takes back the Bank's form and the box back to the PE shed.
12. The Bank's form is given to the bank to charge to the group's bankbook.
13. The cycle begins again.

Occasionally something won't be right on the order or we don't have supplies, so the groups just have to make do with what we have. In these sort of cases, we will go and talk to the groups to see what an alternative would be. It is REALLY fun being in the Warehouse for PrEP, and I suggest you do it next year!!!

The Image result for grey main school logoImage result for warehouse logo

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