Thursday 26 December 2019

SLJ Week 1 Activity 1

Food that I would need to take if I went on a long trip at sea. I would need to think about food that would last long periods of time, like biscuits, canned food, jams, things with lots of sugar in them. I would also need to take plenty of water.

-Jams and jellies-They have a lot of sugar in them, and sugar lasts long.
-Canned beans-Any canned food will last a long time.
-Canned soups-As above.
-Canned fruits-As above, also it has natural sugars in it.
-Canned vegetables-As above.
-Crackers-They last for many months, also when opened.
-Biscuits-The same as crackers, and they have a lot of sugar in them.
-Different types of wheat-They last a long time when properly stored.
-Dried corn-It can last for more than 10 years.
-Pasta-Can last about 1-2 years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyra

    welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey. It is great that you have started the activities again this year. You have made an awesome start with your list of items that you would take with you on your voyage!
    It really is a great list of items, I can see that you really have put some thought into what you would take.
    The only thing that I would add would be fresh water. You would need lots of water to drink but also to cook anything with.

    We are looking forward to reading your blog over the summer with all of the great activities that you will post. Keep up the great work Kyra!

    I hope you had a nice Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.