Thursday 26 December 2019

SLJ Week 1 Activity 2 2019

I was born here in New Zealand, but when I was 3 years old we went to England to live with my Aunty and Uncle for 1 year. The house that my Aunty and Uncle lived in was called Chadbury House. I met my Nana and Grampa there too, as they already lived somewhere else in England. Then we moved back to New Zealand and I've been here ever since, moving around different places on the South Island of NZ .A few years ago, my Aunty and Uncle came over to New Zealand and now live in Nelson, where we go visit them in the holidays; because who doesn't love a bit of sun instead of rain from the West Coast!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyra

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us Kyra. I had no idea that you have lived in England for a year when you were younger. That is so cool! Is your Mum English? Where in England was she born?
    And where in NZ were you born?

    I am going to England in March this year to visit my son who is living there at the moment. I am really excited about going!

    It is always nice to have somewhere like Nelson to go and visit, although as I am writing this comment the weather here is pretty good with lots of blue sky and sunshine.
    Did you see the red sun and moon yesterday from the bush fires?

    My Mum was born in Australia, but my Dad, sister and I were all born in a place called Dargaville which is at the top of the North Island.

    Well don Kyra, keep up the great work! Looking forward to reading more of your work over the summer.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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