Thursday 26 December 2019

Week 1 Activity 5 SLJ 2019

I chose to write a haiku poem, imagining I was Neil Armstrong walking on the moon and how I felt. A Haiku as 3 lines, the first line has 5 syllables, the second 7 and the third the same as the first line, 5 syllables. Here is my poem:

The space door opens
An uninhabited moon
Now under my feet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyra,

    Well done on creating your haiku poem. Your poem follows the format of a haiku perfectly. It also encapsulates a strong feeling of mystery and adventure, it makes me want to read more!

    Maybe next time you could also include an image or drawing to help bring your poem to life with some visuals.

    Personally, I love watching Space movies and learning about astronomy. I think travelling to a moon or planet would be incredible. If you had the opportunity to fly in a spaceship, would you take it?

    Thanks for sharing your poem, keep on blogging! :)



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